Coolendel Safety Rules and Warnings
Please drive slowly and walk where possible
No Pets, Motorbikes, Chainsaws or Generators
Please DO NOT feed wildlife
Think of others and keep noise to a minimum. Noise must cease at 10:30 pm
Entry Tags must be hung from the interior rearview mirror of your car
No washing vehicles
Please DO NOT wash dishes in amenities blocks
Guests may be asked to vacate the park if they are deemed to be behaving in a socially unacceptable way causing damage, disturbing other guests, using unacceptable language, or otherwise breaking park rules.
Emergency Fire Evacuation Procedure
In the event of a major bush fire, the horn will sound numerous long blasts.
DO NOT drive out of Coolendel
Disconnect gas bottles and place them upright in a clear area
Close car windows and if possible park in a clear area
Gather your group quickly and safely and go directly to the Shelter Shed Bushfire Assembly Area (see map)
Coolendel Staff will meet you and check camp attendee numbers
Campfires must be no bigger than half a metre in diameter
A campfire or BBQ may be lit for the purpose of preparing food provided
Fires are lit ONLY in a permanently constructed fireplace with at least 3 metres cleared of combustible material
An adult must be in attendance
The fire must be extinguished before leaving the area or going to bed
Sufficient water must be on hand in case of an emergency
DO NOT throw plastic, bottles or cans into the fires
Cooking during Total Fire Ban
Total Fire Bans must be observed
NO FIRES to be lit at all during Total Fire Ban
Cooking may be carried out in the designated areas near the toilet blocks using our facilities or, if using your own gas cooking appliances they must be raised up off the ground.
River Warnings
All Guests must enter the water at their own risk
If you cannot swim DO NOT enter the water
DO NOT dive into the river as it can be shallow with rocks and tree snags
Beware of steep drop-offs and varying water depths
Beware of fast-flowing water and strong currents
Personal flotation vests should be worn by inexperienced swimmers
Personal flotation vests are available from the Coolendel shop
Let others know where you are going and approximately what time you are returning
River crossings should not be attempted when in flood or in rising waters
It is advisable to wear suitable footwear
Always take adequate supplies of water, sunscreen and a first aid kit if available
Please leave the wilderness as you find it so that others may enjoy it
Litter should be brought back to camp for disposal